Pallas Athene enters Aquarius: Wise Understanding
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Pallas Athene enters Aquarius tomorrow ( Sunday ) afternoon @ 2:25 PM, 7th House.
The Greeks worshipped Pallas Athene, goddess of wisdom and justice, as patroness of the arts and protectress of the state. Through her all-encompassing perception, she gave wise counsel to the people of the earth.
Pallas Athene, the favorite daughter of the new sky god Jupiter, was believed to be conceived by himself and birthed from his head. Symbolically, these four asteroids represent aspects of the archetypal feminine principle that are now emerging into mass consciousness.
In her role as daughter, she symbolizes the principle of creative intelligence giving birth to thought forms. Through her knowledge of the natural laws of manifestation, she functions as one’s capacity for realization and accomplishment.
Before the use of the asteroids, the ONLY significators of the feminine in traditional chart interpretation were the Moon and Venus. The socially acceptable roles for women were the Moon as mother and Venus as mate. This began to change when the first four feminine asteroids were discovered in the 19th century when the women’s movement, led by Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, sought to increase women’s participation in society.
These seeds did not bear fruit, however, until the early 1970s at the same time Elenor Bach published the first asteroid ephemeris. At this point, the aspects of feminine expression fully entered into the consciousness of humanity. Women became imbued with seed possibilities of feminine creativity and intelligence that transcended the traditional roles of mother and wife. Consequentially, society saw the widespread entrance of women into the fields of politics, arts, education, sports, and other professional careers. It also marked a time of rediscovery of women’s history and the revival of the Goddess in women’s spirituality.
Pallas in the 8th House indicates a strong psychic and oracular intelligence. These people have creative skill with join business and money affairs, the power of sexual magic, and using kundalini yoga as a spiritual transformer. One can experience limitations and restrictions in traditional sexual expressions and instead sublimate sexuality into the field of creativity and transformation.
Pallas in Aquarius represents a futuristic perception. One can "see" in terms of all the various possibilities of the future. As a healer, she works with vibration, healing with color, sound, crystals, and white light ( as a reflector of the Sun's Leo's rays ). Aesthetically, she expresses through creating the new. As inventor or genius, she creates science fiction art, computer graphics, new-wave music, rock video, and radical art.
These artists are out on the forefront of the future, translating the tone of what is coming in for the masses. Politically, Pallas Athene in Aquarius is the political revolutionary, advocating and defending humanitarian causes and organizing grass roots and protests. The wisdom of Pallas Athene in Aquarius is the wisdom of the future — creating forms that will benefit generations to come.
Examples of individuals with Pallas Athene in Aquarius: Abraham Lincoln, Earl Warren, and Martin Luther King, all political mavericks and humanitarians.
Aesthetically, she brings out the poetic, inspirational, and illusory qualities in artistic expression. There exists creative skill in the media of film and photography, which play with light and illusion, and in ethereal music ( synthesizer ), which evokes feeling.
Pallas Athene Ingress aspects:
Pallas Athene sextile North Node in Pisces trine South Node in Virgo trine Sedna in Gemini sextile Juno in Scorpio, creating a futuristic, humanitarian cojoining of energy involving committed relation/partnerships which may include resisting authority, collective advocacy, and leaving behind an outdated past for the benefit of a future collective.
It's beneficial to determine where Pallas Athene resides in your natal chart: Zodiac sign, House, and aspects she is making to other planets for a deeper insight into yourself.
#art: La Danse Triomphale de Pallas Athénée
Mythology: Ancient World Magazine, Theoi
Asteroid Goddesses by Demetra George & Douglas Bloch